The Blog
Written for coaches, by coaches.Â
Written by Kristen Butler
The start of a new year brings a chill in the air – it’s time to warm up your instructional coaching strategies to prevent an icy reception! As tech coaches, we have cool tools, but it’s the connections you make with teachers and the impact on student learning that makes o...
Written by Katie Maciulewicz
As Bob Dylan sings, “Times, they are a-changing.” And in the world of edtech, they’re a-changing rapidly.Â
This past summer, Flip (formerly Flipgrid) announced that it had been acquired by Microsoft and was only going to be available to schools using Teams for Educatio...
 Written by Brooke Conklin, with inspiration from Sarah Kiefer, Brittney Priore, and Debbie Tannenbaum
“These kids are just too young to use Chromebooks.”Â
“It takes me 20 minutes just to get everyone logged on.”
“Upper-elementary is a more appropriate setting for students to use technology.”